While encouraged to stay at home, we are not subject to an enforced lockdown. We are allowed to venture out for essential purposes such as shopping for food and exercising. Gatherings are restricted, preferably to two people, and social distancing is to be maintained at all times.
Food stores are open but hands are to be sanitised and gloves worn before handling the fruit and vegetables. Schools had an extended term holiday but the students still made time to adorn the fence with positive and encouraging messages. Hotels are closed and outdoor eating areas taped off while coffee shops and restaurants are restricted to offering take away and delivery food only.
Despite the limitations, life goes on. A couple of women met to exchange a birthday gift and share a coffee and cake, all the time maintaining an appropriate distance by remaining in their cars. Public exercise equipment is taped off but people continue to walk and jog through the parks. Playgrounds are closed but children find new ways to play with chalk and trees, and build bush shelters. The horses in the parklands may not know what is going on but more people than ever seem to find some solace and pleasure in sharing their company.